My body was black and fuzzy like static. It was an empty place it wasn't dark but it wasn't bright. The ground was made of water but i could stand on it.There was a pure white tree that was around a foot ball field away. The tree was around 400 feet tall. Suddenly a woman's voice appeared and she said "welcome to eternity.". The voice paused momentarily and then it said "you Don't belong here". Suddenly I sink into the ground drowning.
This dream can symbolize feelings of disconnection, confusion, and a sense of not belonging. The black and fuzzy static covering your body may represent uncertainty about your identity or a feeling of being lost. The empty yet not dark or bright environment could symbolize a sense of limbo or a transitional state in your life.
The water ground you could stand on may suggest emotional instability or the ability to navigate through difficult emotions. The pure white tree may symbolize purity or wisdom, but its distance could indicate a feeling of unattainability or inaccessibility.
The woman's voice welcoming you to eternity followed by the statement that you don't belong there may reflect a fear of the unknown or uncertainty about your place or purpose in life. The sudden sinking and drowning could indicate feelings of being overwhelmed or consumed by these emotions or the unknown.
Overall, this dream may suggest a need to explore and address feelings of confusion, disconnection, and uncertainty in your waking life, and to seek clarity and a sense of belonging.